Female Circumcision, or Female Genital Mutilation pt. 1

The following is a medical overview of the practice of female circumcision, written by Kouba, Leonard J., and Judith Muasher. "Female Circumcision in Africa: An Overview" African Studies Review, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Mar., 1985), pp. 95-110 (and illegally copied here). The five main categories of Female Circumcision are also called "Female Genital Mutilation", for obvious reasons.
1 "Mild Sunna" :The pricking of the prepuce of the clitoris with a sharp instrument, such as a pin, which leaves little or no damage. "Sunna" means "tradition" in Arabic.
2 "Modified Sunna" :The partial or total exicision of the body of the clitoris.
3 "Clitoridectomy/Excision" :The removal of part or all of the clitoris as well as part or all of the labia minora. The resulting scar tissues may be so extensive that they cover the vaginal opening.
4 "Infibulation/Pharonic Circumcision" :Consists of clitoridectomy and the excision of the labia minora as well as the inner walls of the labia majora. The raw edges of the vulva are then sewn together with catgut or held against each other by means of thorns. The suturing together, or approxomating of the raw edges of the labia majora, is done so that the opposite sides will heal together and form a wall over the vaginal opening. A small sliver of wood (such as bamboo) is inserted into the vagina to stop coalescence of urine an menstral flow.
5 "Introcision" :The enlargement of the vaginal orifice by tearing it downwards manually or with a sharp instrument.
Of the above types of circumcision, "Clitoridectomy/Excision" and "Infibulation/Pharonic Circumcision" are the most common in Africa, the latter being the most common in Somalia. In fact, according to this article, virtually all Somali women are infibulated, which includes those Somali women who migrage to other countries. In Somalia operations are done on girls between the ages of five and eight, and may be done on individuals or groups of girls, either related or neighbours. Those girls who undergoe either excision or infibulation will never be able to enjoy the physical pleasure of sex.
The traditional practitionners are normally the village midwives who earn their livings preforming these operations. They also enjoy a position of status in the villages. Often their knowledge of anatomy and hygiene is limited and the operations are usually performed with unsterilized knives, razor blades, scissors, and to a lesser extent, sharp stones or pieces of broken glass. It is typically preformed without any anaesthesia, and under septic conditions.
I can't imagine the pain, physical or emotional that would accompany such an experience. If you wish to know more about this subject, please go here or here, or you wish to support those who are trying to globaly put a stop to FGM, please go here, here, or here.
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