Saturday, January 26, 2008

getting serious...

OK. This blog is now going to get serious in explaining Somalia and it's history. Up until now it has been haphazard in touching on those things that interest me most, however I have realised that to fully understand those topics I need to know the country, and to do that I need to thoroughly research it's history. Although I'm pretty sure only two people actually read my blog, that's enough for me. Chris, thanks for the links, and Rachel, I'll keep it going because you're interested too. Thanks to both of you for your support.

Female Genital Mutilation pt 2.

Waris Dirie is a supermodel who was born and raised in the Somalian desert and is a strong advocate against Female Circumcision. This is her story according to her foundation website and her interview on the bbc.
I was born in 1965 as daughter of a nomad family in the region of Gallacaio in the Somalian dersert near the border to Ethiopia. When I was five I suffered the unhuman procedure of genital mutilation. My mother took me to a gypsy woman, who circumcized me. Held by my mother and sitting on a rock, the gypsy woman cut the clitoris as well as the labia minora and the labia majora with an old razor blade, and then she sewed the wound coarsly, leaving only a tiny hole to urinate. All that happens without local anaethetic and for the only purpose to be able to lead girls “purely” into marriage. Without cirumcision the chances of marriage are not very high, and the family would have to feed another eater. Many girls do not survive this horrible ritual. My wound got infected as well, I was suffering agonies.

The agony she suffered was in part what spurred her to leave the Somali desert community she had grown up in, and escape to London, where she was "discovered" and began modeling.
"Every day I still struggle to understand why this has happened to me - this cruel and terrible thing for which there is no reason or explanation - whatever they tell you about religion or purity. I can't tell you how angry I feel, how furious it makes me."
It should make us all furious. When people approach Waris and congratualte her on her work, her response is that "it isn't just [her] work, this should be everybody's work." I agree... and that's why I'm posting this blog and hoping someone reads it. Everyone needs to know so this disgusting and horrifying practice can be stopped.
Again, if you wish to know more about this subject, please go here or here, or if you wish to support those who are trying to globaly put a stop to FGM, please go here, here, or here.

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Monday, January 21, 2008


I've been getting a bit discouraged lately. The topics I've been writing about lately have been pretty grim, and although reading about them is difficult, writing is even more so. My purpose to writing this blog was to bring current world issues to the attention of other people, but instead I feel more like I'm just talking to myself. If you read this blog and it means something to you, please let me know, and please pass on a link to your friends so they too can learn and be affected. I appreciate the comment I've received thus far, and believe me, I love the idea that I'm helping people learn more about the world and it's current issues. Thanks for reading thus far...